
Refund & Return Policy

Cancel Policy

All of our products can be canceled until they are shipped.

If your order is unpaid, you can easily cancel your order by yourself.

If your order has been paid, you can contact our customer service to cancel your order.

Once your order has been shipped, it can no longer be canceled.

Return Policy

We encourage you to go on a thorough check-up when you receive the package and make sure whether the items are the ones you have specified. If you are going to exchange/return the product, please make sure that they are in the original condition, unused, undamaged and in original package.

Return Conditions

* We only accept returns within 14 days from the delivery date.

* Items returned must be in their unused condition with the original packing. We do not accept a returned item that's worn, damaged, washed or altered in any way.

* All returns must first be approved by our Customer Service Team(Email: We do not accept returned items that were sent back by you directly without checking with us first.

Defective, Damaged, Mis-shipped, Lost Items

You are eligible for a partial/full refund or exchange if we shipped you a defective, damaged or mis-shipped item.

* If you ordered an incorrect size, product, color or simply wants to exchange the item, we can also allow a return. You are responsible for the shipping fee, and we will refund the original product cost upon receiving the returned item. All shipping fees are non-refundable.


We will check the parcel whether in good condition or not once we receive the returned parcel and then we will handle the refund to your account(within 48 hours) in accordance with the return conditions.

Below are some further suggestions and important reminders

Keep all the packaging materials and shipping notes, which may be necessary for processing your return request;

After mailing back the product, please send us the tracking number and a copy of the shipping receipt;

Refunds will be arranged to the same payment method you used to place this order. All the intermediary handling fees and bank processing fees will be at the customer's expense;

You can refuse to sign for a package if you notice it is broken or open. Accepting a broken or damaged package can affect your return request;

We can arrange a refund or a replacement of the product after receiving the defective item;

If you refuse delivery of a parcel due to import duties or taxes, you assume all liability for all costs involved in returning the item to us.

Please Note

Once your request has been approved, our customer service will offer you the return address (not the location address or the parcel address).

Please send the item back to the return address as soon as possible and then send us the tracking number.

Items received unused, undamaged and in original package. All the return item(s) will go through inspections. We will process the refund when we confirm that the product has the problems you mentioned.

We reserve the right not to process the refund if your request not be approved or items returned in unacceptable condition.

Any purchase on Store indicates that you have read, understood and agreed with our Cancellation & Return Policy stated above.